Thursday, March 12, 2009

What Life Was Like in Koh Phangan

Busy doing nothing...The cat's name is Rocket, and his name tells a lot about him. he jumps out of coconut trees at you, attacks your legs from under the tables, and shoots around the resort like a rocket. He used to sleep with me in my bungalow sometimes too. I miss Rocket!


Anonymous said...

Thailand is such a heaven for travelers, Different Culture, language, religion, food culture, dressing, architecture , Historical building, beautiful beaches ,plateaus, Deep rivers, Fascinating natural sites, thrilling wildlife…Over all Thailand is best destination for travelling for more information you can go to Tourist Information Guide

bLake said...

who is manish sharma?
who is the cat?

spirit of the pit said...

oh my goodness, the squishiest nap

Luke said...

Blake, I do not know who Manish Sharma is, could be some spam or something. My blog is public, so anyone in the world can see it. I say it might be spam because of the link. The cat's name is Rocket, and his name tells a lot about him. he jumps out of coconut trees at you, attacks your legs from under the tables, and shoots around the resort like a rocket. He used to sleep with me in my bungalow sometimes too.

Unknown said...

sweet kitty beautiful pic...

Luke said...

Allison, thank you! I miss you! Maybe someday I will see you in Thailand.
That cat is super-awesome!


Thailand Journal